What additional measures have you put in place?
On Saturday 21 March 2020 Abel Tasman Kayaks felt it was our social responsibility to support the broader societal efforts to slow down the spread of the Corona Virus and closed before the New Zealand Government alert levels were in place. It was the first time in our history we had closed the doors. This decision was deliberate and made from care for members of our communities who are more vulnerable to the grave impacts of this virus, and to keep our customers, staff and extended families safe. The health and safety of people lied at the heart of this decision and we will continue to have that as our guiding principal during the Covid19 situation.
- We encourage you to book online to limit contact with office staff.
- Pay wave installed for those paying in the office.
- Additional hand sanitiser available in the office and base.
- Staff will not come to work if they have been requested to self-isolate/quarantine, or have symptoms of COVID-19, or are awaiting COVID-19 test results.
- We will continue to adhere to the Ministry of Health www.health.govt.nz guidelines and adjust as and when required.